About Capitol Hill Village
Capitol Hill Village was established in 2007 and is one of 74 Villages in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area. Capitol Hill Village is a non-profit organization serving older adults in Capitol Hill and surrounding neighborhoods who are aging-in-place in their community.
Our Vision
Older adults thriving in a vibrant, inclusive, and age-friendly community.
Our Mission
Capitol Hill Village helps older adults navigate and embrace the opportunities of aging. Through the efforts
of volunteers, members, partners, and staff we provide a wide-range of services and programs that
promote the well-being of all older adults in our community.
Capitol Hill Village Service Area
This map details the geographic boundaries which Capitol Hill Village draws its membership. Not sure if you're in our footprint? Contact us! We'd love to hear from you.
Core Values
Capitol Hill Village Strategic Plan: 2023 to 2028
The Strategic Plan is a roadmap for Capitol Hill Village's future, communicating its priorities and guiding its programming for the next five years. This Plan is the product of the work of Patricia Powers Thomson,
the Capitol Hill Village Strategic Planning Committee, CHV Board members, staff members, volunteers and community members.
Diving Into Data: 2022 Member Surveys
In 2022, Capitol Hill Village and the DC Villages conducted a member survey. The survey was designed to collect information about member engagement and satisfaction; the impact of the Village on members’ lives; and members’ experiences with, and needs surrounding, transportation. There are two reports noted below: one is a summary analysis of data from CHV members only, and the other is an analysis of data from all of the participating DC Villages, including CHV.
Learn About the Importance of the Village Movement
When Capitol Hill Village opened in 2007, it was only the second Villages in the country. Now we are the largest of 13 Villages serving the District of Columbia, one of 74 Villages in the DMV, and one of almost 300 Villages across the United States and elsewhere. Learn more about the impact Villages have through the video above!