Capitol Hill Village’s programs are driven by the passion, interests, and needs of our members. Our programs fall under three categories: health and wellness, educational, and social and recreational.
Click here to view the Calendar page for all ongoing events.
Health and Wellness Programs
We provide a range of recurring and special events across the year. Some of the recurring events include: QiGong, walking, Tai Chi, meditation, yoga and more!
Wellness Cafés
Wellness Cafés are 90 minute monthly interactive lunch-and-learn programs open to Village members and the public. Each Wellness Café features expert speakers on a variety of topics covering mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health. Previous Wellness Cafés have included: laughter yoga, healthy cooking for the holidays, reclaiming your space through de-cluttering, meditation, tips for sleeping well, and foot care.
Educational Programs
CHV offers frequent courses on managing finances, establishing living wills, powers of attorney, and related topics for members.
Village Voices
Village Voices is a free monthly series showcasing the lives and expertise of Capitol Hill residents through discussions and presentations on a range of historical, political, cultural, or policy issues. Topics have included political media, religious architecture, American foodways, archives from war-torn areas, the U.S. military's evolution through accepting LGBTQ individuals, and more.
Social and Recreational Programs
Affinity Groups
We have over 40 affinity group activities a month including games, walking groups, pétanque, movies, lunches, museum-going, book groups, poetry and more! Nearly every day there is at least one activity. Key to our Affinity Groups is that they do not have exclusive and fixed membership. You can participate once, occasionally, or weekly.
Click here to learn more about each Affinity Group.