What Is The Sidewalk Safety Project?
In March 2023, Capitol Hill Village formed a Sidewalk Safety Team (SST) in response to member concerns over sidewalk hazards and the time sidewalk repairs take.
The SST has six main recommendations for DDOT:
Reduce the Service Level Agreement (SLA) to complete the small repair projects to 30 business days and carry out temporary repairs to mitigate any tripping hazards in the larger projects within the same 30 business days.
Provide adequate funding to implement recommendation #1.
Establish an annual sidewalk monitoring program.
Capture data about sidewalk injuries.
Make it easier for residents to get reimbursement for the cost of injuries from sidewalk falls.
Study methods to reduce the number of sidewalk problems that need to be fixed and the costs to repair.
Capitol Hill Village Sidewalk Safety Report
SST In The News
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