This page serves as an archive of pictures and events from our Instagram caphillvill CHV is hosting two transportation programs this mo Our November Village Voices features Jon Grinspan, November is a busy month at CHV, in addition to ou Do you want to build connections with LGBT folks f Breaking news! The DC Council has passed legislati Are you up to date on your vaccines? If not, CHV h We had an amazing time at the 2024 WAVE Conference We want to remind folks how important it is to con Are you up to date on your vaccines? If not, CHV h We are grateful to the support and generosity of e Ageism affects everyone. For Ageism Awareness Day Join Capitol Hill Village TOMORROW, October 9th, i We're looking forward to October Village Voices ne We had a FANTASTIC kickoff event a few weeks ago f We've got so much going on in October, it was hard Load More... Follow CHV On Instagram