March 1, 2024
Click here to download a PDF of the March Village News.
Here are just some of the stories in this issue:
- Ready to Groove with the Village? The CHV Gala is just seven weeks away; look for details on fun activities planned for the evening, how you can contribute, the current list of salon guests and vacation homes that will be available for bidding, and the link to buy tickets so you won’t miss out on anything. The auction preview opens March 15! See pages 1-2 for more information and link to the auction preview and tickets.
- CHV doesn’t miss an opportunity to let the DC Council know member views. We closely follow progress on legislation to help address the shortage of home health aides, and will testify at a March 24 Council hearing. Also, read the report on last month’s testimony on sidewalk safety and the comprehensive Sidewalk Safety Report. See pages 1, 5, and 7.
- The newly-formed DC Villages Collaborative links the city’s Villages to improve operations, serve more adults, and expand into under-served neighborhoods. Meet Dr. Katrina Polk, the first Executive director, who brings her lifetime experiences of multi-generational living and, since she was four-years-old, service to older adults. See page 6.
- CHV has a goal of 75 new members for its spring Membership Drive. Plan to attend a member meeting on March 21 to learn details about fee structure initiatives and the Drive, including how you can get involved. See page 18 (back cover).