Above (left to right): Kirsten Oldenburg, Cassandra McFerson, Fynnette Eaton, Dawn Nelson, Scott Price, Council Member Charles Allen, and Cheryle Adams (Pedestrian Advisory Council)
Capitol Hill Village is proud to share that the CHV Sidewalk Safety Team has been awarded a Brickie! The Brickies are Ward 6’s annual get together to celebrate neighbors and community organizations that have gone above and beyond to serve and contribute to Ward 6. The Sidewalk Safety Team co-received the “Neighbor Award” with Cheryle Adams, Ward 6 representative for the Pedestrian Advocacy Council.
The Sidewalk Safety team has certainly left its mark already on the Hill and it’s not stopping! Thank you to all of the team’s members for the time and energy you have devoted to this project over the past few years.
To learn more about the Sidewalk Safety Team go to: https://capitolhillvillage.org/sidewalksafety/