Welcome to Capitol Hill Village Resources Page
We have organized our resources according to categories, which includes: Transportation, Local, Caregivers, Social Isolation, Safety, Technology Support, and COVID-19. If you are a CHV member and have any questions about these resources, call the Village at 202-543-1778. In addition to these resources, CHV maintains up to date resources on in home services, transportation, hearing loss, legal support, durable medical equipment, and more.
Check out our transportation webpage for our transportation resources: https://capitolhillvillage.org/transportation
Organization: The Department of Aging and Community Living (DACL)
Website: https://dacl.dc.gov/
Phone: 202-724-5626
DACL serves District residents 60 and older, adults living with disabilities, and those who care for them. In partnership with more than 20 community-based organizations across the city, they offer more than 40 free or low-cost programs to help all District residents live boldly at any age, stage, or ability.
Through a variety of programs including community activities and events, nutrition and transportation services, healthcare and insurance counseling, caregiver support resources, and adult protective services, DACL is building a District where we can all thrive together in the communities we know and love.
Organization: DC Department of Aging and Community Living (DACL)
Website: https://dacl.dc.gov/service/caregiver-programs
Phone: 202-724-5626
DACL provides a variety of programs and services to support unpaid caregivers to our seniors and adults with disabilities. From caregiver respite programs to support groups, educational programs to case management. You are not alone in your journey—DACL is with you.
Program: Village Connections
Village Connections is CHV's own 1:1 volunteer support program. If you would like to receive friendly calls or volunteer to give them, contact Arie at aparker@capitolhillvillage.org.
Event: CHV Contemplation of Our End of Life Symposium
The Capitol Hill Village "Contemplation of Our End of Life Symposium" was a two part event exploring options for use in planning your or a loved one's future. Part One provided a high level view of the issues and options related to end of life, and Part Two provided a more detailed look at what a person needs to know for planning one's end of life.
Check out the End of Life Symposium webpage at: https://capitolhillvillage.org/end-of-life-symposium/
You can view the Symposium session and workshop recordings at:
Organization: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau a agency that helps consumer finance markets work by making regulations more effective, consistently and fairly enforcing rules, and empowering consumers to take more control over their economic lives.
Website: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Resources on Fraud
Organization: Get Set Up
Website: https://www.getsetup.io/
GetSetUp is on a mission to help the third of the world’s population who are over 55 to learn new skills, connect with others and unlock new life experiences.
Check out the Coronavirus Hub below.
Coronavirus Hub