Capitol Hill Village is holding our first vaccine clinic of the season on October 6th from 10am to 3pm at Eastern Market’s North Hall (located at 225 7th St SE). The clinic is open to all and we will have Safeway professionals on site administering vaccines. COVID-19 booster, Flu shots, and RSV vaccines will be available.

Please note: the RSV vaccine is not currently covered by all insurances: only certain Medicare Part D plans are covering it, and neither DC Medicaid nor Medicare Part B are confirmed. A Safeway representative will check to see if your insurance will cover before the vaccine is administered, so you can choose if you prefer to pay out of pocket ($322) or wait until coverage can be confirmed. You can also check with your insurance plan directly and plan accordingly. We have asked Safeway to conduct this check before hand but they’re not able to do so. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

Sign up for the clinic by contacting us at 202-543-1778 or email